Westlake Girls High School chooses D-Tech RFID

Tuesday January 24, 2023 12:41

The Westlake Girls High School library is a busy facility and very much the heart of the school. It had an obsolete dual aisle EM from 3M library systems for many years which was longer fit for purpose and with 3M no longer in the industry they needed a new partner. We were thrilled to be chosen as their library technology partner to take them forward.

Our status as a New Zealand company able to provide fast reliable local support and a cost effective and high-quality solution was an important factor in the schools decision.

The system they have today consists of D-Tech's ProcessIT software and RFID staff pads on both desktop and laptop devices. RFID tags through-out the collection. A new dual aisle M180 RFID security gate system complete with D-Tech ViewIT software that logs and notifies the identity of non-issued items that pass through the gates. 

RFID has effectively sped up issuing and processing returns so queues and wait times have been reduced during busy library sessions. 

Westlake Girls High School chooses D-Tech RFID

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